Want to make a payment on a file?
It’s simple! Use the online payment center if you are a consumer wanting to make a payment on your account.
Markoff Law is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
Please read and accept the following agreement before proceeding. I understand that:
- Markoff Law is a law firm engaged in debt collection and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
- I have debt(s) owed to one or more clients of Markoff Law and my Markoff Law file number(s) was earlier communicated to me in previous correspondence or that I am an authorized third party using this site to make an authorized payment.
- This site is secure and will accept only payments between $25 and $5000. I will call 855-528-0388 to arrange any payment outside of this range.
- I have funds in the account provided to cover the approved transaction and I will be liable for overages or NSF charges.
- Checks made through this site will be posted to my Markoff Law account within 5 business days of the date of payment, but could be deposited as soon as today.
- Partial payments made on an account, other than Payment in Full, will not constitute an agreement and may not prevent further action on the account.
- I will call 855-528-0388 if I need to discuss the current status of the account or if I have a pending court date in the next 10 days.
By clicking the “Login” you acknowledge that you have read and accept the above payment terms.